Clean shit, Train a bit, and Repeat

All day in bed, doing nothing but scrolling, eating, and repeating. Depression and anxiety hit you so hard. You broke, feel bad, and you hate your life. You want to change something, but you lack the motivation to take the first step. You don’t even know from where to start, as you’re stuck in a deep, dark pit, and nothing sounds right at the moment.

That night, at 3 am, you watched that “you can do it” video, and it gave you the feeling that you have the power to end poverty in the world, even though you don’t know how you would pay your next month’s bills. That night, you decided to start putting your life together, change yourself, and become a brand new person, promising to do it “tomorrow.”… What a liar.

Let’s be honest, we all know you won’t start tomorrow, or the day after. The reason being A. You want to go from 0 to a 100 in one day, and B. You have no idea where to start. So forget about the plan of becoming a brand new person; save it for another day. Instead, what you have to do is ‘Clean shit, Train a bit, and Repeat.’

  1. Clean shit.
    In my personal humble experience, I have never seen a depressed, feeling bad person living in a clean environment. You will always find them living in a garbage; dirty cloths thrown on the floor, 3 days dishes compiled on the sink, eating junk food… I don’t know if depression that leads to garbage environment or garbage environment that leads to depression; until it is proven, start to clean your space, your body and your food, this has an immediate feel good effect on you, and gives you the will to change things.
  2. Train a bit.
    Humans have existed for 200.000 years, and during all this time, they were fighting for their survival, cultivating their food, and building their own houses. Human body is used to be active; the lazy life we know in modern society has started only in the 19th century. You can’t change 199.800 years of body habits in just 200 years.
    Just start by going for a long walk in a park. Your body needs to move to wakeup and provide the energy you need to change things.
  3. Repeat.
    You have to establish a routine. It doesn’t matter what you will do in your day; you can wake up late, play video games, or read a book if you want. The most important, is to do the same thing, the same time, everyday. That will teach you discipline, which will help you to keep up fighting for the long run.

Inner peace, good shape, and discipline are all you need to scale up your life, and they are not that hard to achieve, as you may see. Of course, there are many other ways to attain them. My method is ‘Clean shit, train a bit, and repeat.’

1 Year, 9 (Uncomfortably Honest) Truths I Learned

About Family. If you have a loving family, you are lucky, if you are distant with them, you are silly. Nothing in this world could be as healing as calling your parents and talking with them.

About Friends. if you want friends, work on yourself, succeed, and your phone won’t stop ringing. It’s all about mutual interests.

About Enemies. You are the main source of the shitty situations you’ve been in. Your exclusive best enemy, is you.

About Failure. The cause for your failure is ‘Procrastination.’ If you do what you have to do when you have to do it, everything will go smoothly like a hot knife through soft, warm butter.

About Success. It demands a supreme power to succeed. Whether it be God, a strong network, or becoming a superman.

About Happiness. Sadness is the foundation of happiness. You have to go through it first in order to value happiness. During those dark times, observe the little beautiful things around you, they are the sunshine that helps you to navigate. Happiness is found in little things.

About Sadness. The cure of sadness is finding an income source that keeps you busy and wealthy.

About Maturity. You’re a boy until you meet that woman, and then, you become a man. Some say, you become a man the day your daddy dies. Maturity is embracing responsibility.

About Death. To understand how colossal death is; just observe how drastically things change after the death of someone, nothing will ever be the same again.

It’s February, Let’s Talk Love


That day, I was sitting in a stunning café in Kadıköy, sensing the slight breeze coming from the outside while I was enjoying my latte. At that moment, I asked myself… What if today is the last day of my life, what is the thing I didn’t do that I would regret the most.

Two things crossed my mind:

1. I regret not visiting South Korea. And the reason why I would like to go there, is because I believe that South Korea has the best coffee shops in the world. And only God knows how much I admire sitting in cafés and drinking a latte. So, me going to South Korea is like taking a kid to Disneyland.

2. I regret not experiencing real love. If I can quote myself that day, I described real love as an unconditional love; where you talk when you need to, you remain silent if you want to, and you are not forced to do anything. It is just an easy-going relation.


Why didn’t I experience the real love? Am I the problem or the girls I’ve been with were the issue? Deep down in me, I already knew the answer, but my ego didn’t let me admit it. 

So, in one of those videos I’ve watched recently, they talked about something called Attachment Style. It is basically a test that you can take online, and it tells you what kind of person you are when it comes to getting attached to someone. I discovered that mine was “avoidant attachment style,” so I finally confirmed that I was the problem, and those innocent beautiful ex-ladies have nothing to do with it. 

Me and Love

When it comes to loving someone, I’m VERY selective. I mean, if the girl doesn’t check a single box on my list, it won’t work. Sometimes I admit that the girl I’m with is wonderful, and even the people around me tell me that she is the one, but few months later, we separate. I’m kinda looking for a unicorn, that I know, I’m never gonna find.

But what if one day I find that unicorn, what will happen?

Me and Unicorn

Few months after the idea of “Not experiencing real love” crossed my mind, I went back to Istanbul again, I took an Airbnb planning to stay there for a week or so. In that Airbnb, I met the Unicorn. And within the first few hours of chatting with her, she already checked all the boxes. She. Was. Perfect.

We were spending all the days and nights together, I didn’t feel the time running with her. I was supposed to stay for a week, but I kept extending it until I reached a month. I didn’t want to leave that place, just to spend more time with her. I was talking when I needed to, I was remaining silent if I wanted to, I wasn’t forced to do anything; it was just easy-going.

And for the first time in my life, something I’ve never thought about crossed my mind; I wanted to marry that girl. And this scared the shit out of me.

Me and Fear

You need to know something about me; I never ever get scared. To give you an idea at what scale nothing can scare me. Once I was on a plane, it was about to crash, everyone around me was screaming hell loud, and I didn’t even flinch. But when the idea of marriage came in mind, it was like the end of the world. Because… I’m not a unicorn yet.

You see that checklist I have for every girl; I discovered that I have the same for myself. I found out that if I get married now, I will not provide the life I drew in my head for my wife and children or guarantee the same level of luxury. My one and only fear in this life is not providing what my woman or my kid is asking for. This idea just put me on state I’ve never experienced before.

Well, I admit it, the fear took control over me, I didn’t even try to do something to develop this relation into a further step. It was a wonderful time we had, I went back to Paris, she stayed in Istanbul, and the fact that we are living in two different countries, helped me to get detached. This happy story is meant to be with a sad ending.

Me and Future

Maybe I will read this story in the future and it might be my new regret, maybe I will find another Unicorn, or maybe this is not the end of the story and there is a second part to be told. Waiting for the answer, what I will do are 3 things:

1. I will check out all the boxes on myself before I go to look for a unicorn.

2. I will work on my attachment style before I fall in love again.

3. I will go to South Korea and drink that latte.

The Beauty Blind

I’m a guy who has a skill, the skill of seeing everything new as a quite normal thing. I’m the kind of guy who even if you take him to planet Mars he would just say, “Yup, that’s good.”

It’s been 8 months since I moved out to live in Istanbul, which is, without any doubt, one of the most beautiful cities in the world. But every time my parents or my friends ask me about how Istanbul is, I just say, “Yeah, it’s good”…
Once a friend told me, “It’s been two years I’m living in Istanbul, and you are the first person I met who described Istanbul with that cold, frosty and short words.”

I always thought this is a good skill I have, the skill of seeing everything new as quite normal. Until, I saw a Snap of Lubna Alkhamis.

Lubna is the kind of a person that can take you to a peaceful and pleasant state of mind with a single picture or by spelling some few words with her magical voice.
So that day, Lubna posted a Snap where she wrote, “I wish I will never lose the gift of being amazed.’’
And at that exact moment, I understood that the skill I thought I have, is actually a gift I miserably lost. I lost the skill of seeing the beauty, and the gift of being amazed by the beauty I see.

I started wondering since when I became a beauty blind?
Of course, I searched in my weak memory for a single event where I said the word ‘wow’ after watching something new, and of course, I couldn’t find it. Then I surfed on all the pictures and videos I took in my previous trips, and by miracle I found one video I took in September 2017 in Koh Tao, Thailand, when I saw the Turtle Island and I literally said, “Wow, what a beauty.”

When I watched that video of 20 seconds, the feeling of amazement was reborn inside me again, and I witnessed how beautiful that was, and I decided to never ever loose that feeling anymore.

To do that, I followed the steps of my guru Lubna… Every day she takes pictures of New York, and she shares them with us. And by doing the same thing, I was able take more time to admire the amazing view I see, and then, capture that admiration with the best photo I can, to share it on my Instagram Stories.

I started doing that 15 days ago, and that took me from describing Istanbul as just Good, to Magical. Magical in the sense that in every corner of the town, you can discover something that will leave your mouth big open and your neck in pain since you’re looking around, up and down all the time.

So, wherever you are, just look around, you will see a ton of beautiful things there. It can be a flower, a pet, the sky, a color you like, even a sharp stone on the ground. There is beauty everywhere waiting for you to see it, and you will be amazed how that can change your day once you capture it.

Note: I’ll be posting the new photos or videos I take on my Instagram Zo_Captures.

I Know, I’m Late… But Here is What 2020 was for Me

What a bizarre, odd, strange, unusual and weird year we recently lived, it was like a slap which reminded us that our tomorrow is not as predictable as we may think.
But regardless how unbelievable the last year was, I experienced some unique things that I’m sure they would never been happened if 2020 wasn’t there…

  • I returned to blogging… Finally! After four years of absence, I decided to return back to do the thing I enjoy the most. Maybe if 2020 didn’t happen, I might delay that to another year or -worse-, maybe quitting blogging forever.
  • I learned to be easy with myself… Watching a movie instead of reading a book, or playing a game instead of taking an online course, is just fine. As someone told me..« It’s a pandemic and not a productivity contest, so relax. » 
  • I experienced my limits… In a single week, I finished 2 books, 2 online courses, written 3 posts, watched 5 documentaries, listened to dozens of podcasts and took further levels of a new language, al. However, I felt like I could do better, so, I have no excuses in the future.
  • I met new people… It’s a kinda of unusual phrase to hear when we talk about 2020, but I met a plenty of great people from many different countries while I was playing online games.
  • I saved a lot of money… No restaurants, no coffees, no travel, no friend meetings, add to that no need to buy new clothes cause I was wearing pajamas all the time… Guys, I’m rich.
  • I discovered K-drama and Anime… What an amazing world! It’s like falling in a black hole, and now, I can’t get out from it.
  • I adopted a dog… I learned that raising a pet is hard, and giving it to someone who may take care of it better than me, is even harder.
  • I grew up my hair… For the first time, I was concerned about the ingredients of my shampoo.
  • I did my first TikTok challenge (and the last) … It was a MESS, but I’ll keep it for my children to show them what kind of crap their father was doing during a historical pandemic.
  • I spent more time with my family… After living five years alone, I lost that « strong family connection »; to be honest, I felt uncomfortable every time I went back to my family’s house… But the last year, I chose to spend the lockdown with my family and it was the best decision I made.

2020 was hard and easy, light and heavy, sad and happy at the same time, it was the year of uncommon experiences and a very special chapter of my life. I’m glad I lived a such intense thing and I survived. Now, I hope the upcoming would be brighter.

What if the Lockdown Creates the Next Big Five?

More than 4.5 billion people were confined in the last months, making it the biggest lockdown the humankind never known in his history. But staying at home all day allowed us to discover a lot of things…
There are some couples who discovered that their characters doesn’t match after 30 years of marriage.
There are some parents who discovered that their baby-sitter isn’t payed way enough.
And there are some people who discovered that 24 hours is a little bit too long for a day, and they experienced the boredom at its finest after dropping out their daily life routine…

• Boredom is proven scientifically that it can enable creativity and problem-solving by allowing the mind to wonder and daydream.
• Free Time allows us to learn new things and shape new skills. And that’s what some people chose to do during the lockdown.
And the mix of skills and creativity is the perfect formula to create something new, revolutionary and big.

Honestly, I will not be surprised if I hear in the next years Google and Facebook are purchasing new startups every 15 days. And it’s neither impossible to see one of the startups becomes a giant and -maybe- replaces one of the actual GAFAM.

After every major catastrophic event, humanity prospers larger than it was before, and new giant companies see the light, Inka Mero said, “Many of today’s unicorns have been founded or built during recessions or downturns – resource scarcity can be a source of creativity and pivoting” – 
But what differs today’s pandemic from the previous major events, and makes it even more promising, is the fact that today we have a limitless access to an endless knowledge, at any time and any place in the world. Add to that, the lockdown that gave us a plenty of time to learn and a dose of boredom to think.

Aren’t Only Heroes, Also Angels (Part2): The Networking

NOTE: This post starts with « Story Two » that means there is a « Story One » and you can find it in the previous post, « Aren’t Only Heroes, Also Angels: The Asking. »

Story Two:

Someday in March 2019, on my way home back from college, I met my ex-neighbor. We talked as any two normal human beings who didn’t see each other for a long time, then he asked me, “Where are you now? (referring to my studies)” I told him that I’m in my final year and I’m working on my final project… And then he said, “If you ever need something, tell me”

If I need something?… I need EVERYTHING. I needed a professional research equipment to finish my project, I was running out of time, I had no idea how I could finish that damn project without that cursed equipment…

And guess what?… My ex-neighbor is a security guard in my college.
Every weekend he was giving me the Lab keys and saying, “Now, you can go and play with your toys”. I had an entire Lab just for me with the best equipment I could imagine, it was like paradise.
I finished my work in time, and my project was known as one of the best projects last year.

Thank you my ex-neighbor for saving my graduation; you’re not only a hero, you’re also an angel.

Story Three:

In my teenage years, I was living in a country where football (or soccer) is a religion. Every single person was playing football, so I let you imagine how football courts were in weekends.
It’s Mission Impossible to find a piece of land to play, and if “by miracle” you find one, you’re given only one hour before other teams start shouting on you to go out.
But this didn’t apply to me, because, my friend knows the security guard of the neighborhood’s primary school…

Every weekend we go to a cafeteria, we buy a cup of coffee, we give it to the security guard, and he gives us access to the sport court of the primary school. We were playing football until we got exhausted, or after the scores were [15 – 18] and we realize that it’s time to stop because it’s not football anymore, it became a handball game.

Thank you my friend’s friend for saving our weekends; you’re not only a hero, you’re also an angel.

I don’t know if what I just told you is legal, but what I’m sure about is that networking is essential, and it doesn’t matter who’s the person you’re connecting with. Everyone is important.

Life is unpredictable and we never know when we gonna be in need, so build and keep good relations with everybody, especially security guards, because they are the only ones who can:

Afford you a football court in exchange of a cup of coffee;
Provide you an entire Laboratory because he’s your neighbor;
Or let you watch a Marvel movie for free even if he doesn’t know you. (read Story One)

Aren’t Only Heroes, Also Angels (Part1): The Asking

Story One:

April 29th, 2019, seven o’clock in the morning, I was facing two choices and I had to make a decision:
– Choice A: Take 3 different buses, make a 2-hour trip, to go to a cinema in the other side of my city, to watch the premiere of Avengers Endgame.
– Choice B: Wait 3 days and watch it in the cinema of the nearby. 

I’m a Marvel guy, so my decision was already made… I drop out a college day, I took the 3 buses, the third one wasn’t the right one so my trip lasted three hours instead of two, I was there by 12:10, the projection starts at 13:00, thank god, all was fine.

Uhh…Nope, it ain’t fine, it wasn’t fine at all. All tickets were sold. It was all but fine…

I was begging people to sell me their tickets, I was up to pay two times the price, three times if they want to, but everyone was telling me, “Dude I can’t. This is THE ENDGAME dude!” So the only solution left was: Waiting for the next projection.

The next projection starts at 05 PM, that means if I stay for the following session, the movie will end at 08 PM.
The bus service stops at 07 PM, that means if I watch the movie, I will not be able to go back home.
But still have the taxi option, and that means I will pay a fortune, but it doesn’t matter, after all, “This is THE ENDGAME dude!” And it worth it…

I don’t know how I came with the idea to go to the security guard and tell him my story; tell him how I travelled from the other side of earth to watch this movie, and if I wait for the next projection, I will not find a transport to take me back home. Then I finished my miserable story with: “I can sit on the floor and watch the movie, I don’t mind…” He smiled, and of course he thought I was crazy, and then he said, “Wait a minute.”

After 30 seconds he asked me to follow him; we took the stairs to the up floor, to a place where all the chairs were empty, except the one where a child was sitting on.
I asked the guard, “Should I pay you or should I go back down and pay the ticket seller…?” His answer was, “No, you don’t have to pay a penny, just take a seat and enjoy the movie.”
At this moment my mind was blown, this man just made my entire day, and the best phrase my mouth could pronounce was a thank you – what a shame -…

I set down near the child. This kid was the son of the security guard, and that place was the VIP section of the cinema.

What I’ve learned from this experience? 
1. Never hesitate to ask for something, in the worst cases you will get a “no”.
2. Security guards are not only superheroes, they are also angels.

3 Movies, 10 Lessons after 7 Years

I don’t exactly remember the year when I watched « Forest Gump » for the first time, maybe 6 or 7 years ago… At this time, I was in my late teenage years, and I’m surprised how my impressions on « Forrest Gump » were very superficial and totally different comparing to those of few days ago when I’ve seen it for the second time.

I got nostalgic. Now I’m rewatching all the movies that I’ve seen in my teenage years (movies that kept a something inside my chest) because… 
First, I miss those old gold classic movies, full of mixed emotions and full of life lessons… Things that I can’t find in today’s movies. 
Secundo, to know how my vision toward things changed after – approximately – a decade, and to share the lessons I learned, here…

What I learned after watching « Forrest Gump » for the second time:

  • About Family: If everybody is against you, your family will always support, motivate and teach you until the last breath of their life. You must be thankful for that.
  • About Friendship: A real friendship is based on loyalty. Not money, not character, not beauty and not intelligence…
  • About Love: You know you are living a real love story when, whatever your day was good or bad, full of adventure or not, at the end of that day you will think about the person you love.
  • About Life: Don’t eat the same chocolate all the time, try other flavors, even a small bite though. If you don’t like the taste, put it down and try another one. Always try new things.

What I learned after watching « Moneyball » for the second time:

  • About Inner Conflicts: Once you accept failure you embrace success.
  • About Success: To make history you should sacrifice all… All. All. All.
  • About Money: In France they have a proverb that says “L’argent ne fait pas le bonheure” if I translate it could be “Money doesn’t make happiness”. I’ve never believed in that proverb, and this movie just confirmed I was right.

What I learned after watching « 12 Angry Men » for the second time:

  • About People: Give 100 excuses before you judge someone.
  • About Me: Don’t be afraid to express your opinion, your words could have a huge impact.
  • About Movies: You don’t have to spend hundred millions of dollars to make a great movie, all what you need is a table, 12 chairs and a great writer.

Some of these lessons I knew them before, some, I updated them, and others, I figured them out only after watching those movies for the second time. Maybe in a decade I will watch them again and find out I was totally wrong or maybe mostly right.

But the most important thing I learned is: I grow up comparing to 7 years ago and it’s a good sign. I’m reassured.

Being a normal person is okay

Today is marking one month since the corona lockdown has started, so I judged that it is time to write about my quarantine experience after every blogger I know has done it.

Since the first days when everyone was experiencing introvert’s life, everybody – especially celebrities – started challenges: « Guys, Let’s make a challenge together, let’s read 100 books, let’s write 100 posts, let’s workout every day, let’s meditate, let’s learn a new language, let’s start new projects… ». 
I was like: Yeah, this is the perfect time to do all of this, nature gave me this chance so I won’t miss that opportunity.

Then, I scheduled my next day: Wake up early, workout, read, write, learn Spanish, start my project.

The Next day: I woke up early, and… I skipped the rest of the schedule.
Same thing the day after, same thing the week after. All what I was doing is: Netflix, online games, and feeling the guilty…

Feeling guilty for wasting my time, feeling guilty for losing my muscle’s mass, feeling guilty for not writing a single post on my blog and feeling guilty when Duolingo send a notification to remind me that it’s time to go back study Spanish. In fact, I wasn’t even enjoying movies, TV shows and online games, and that’s because of guilty.

Until 3 days ago, when I decided to stop thinking about this “Let’s make a challenge together” thing. I decided that it is okay to chill, it is okay to stay on bed all time with the same hoodie all day.

And tomorrow, the magic happened!
Okay, I woke up in the afternoon, but… I started reading « Eat, Pray, Love » by Elizabeth Gilbert, which is a great book even for men. I wrote this post, so I’m feeling like any other blogger now. And at night, I watched ‘The Platform’ and I really enjoyed it.
That day had the perfect equilibrium, two productive things versus two non-productive things, and I was in peace for the first time since day one of the lockdown.

When I decided to put down that “being productive” weight off my shoulders, I became a productive person. Maybe tomorrow I will start home workout or I return to “aprender español” , but I’m telling myself:

You’re not forced to do it; being a normal person is okay.